Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Horton hears a who and I do too!!

Since everyone seems to be over the flu finally we have been having play dates again...This Tuesday Jenn and the kids came over, Ann and her kids....Jenn brought pasta salad and this absolutely wonderful chocolate peanut butter triffle dessert. Yum, Yum am I glad play dates are back on...

Jaeda came to my house today with these beautiful purple things...and that's exactly what she called them.....

I luv this own mickey blue eyes...

Josie with the beautiful purple things...and loving them...

This was the first time in a while that I had the whole crew here...Josie, Landonn, Jaeda, Tomy and Gage...nothing like a good viewing of Oliver and company....

Don and I (and when I say "I", I mean mostly Don) finished out the back room during the winter and we now have this great picture window that looks across the lawn and down to the seems that kids are always looking out the window whenever we get together....I would love to hear what is going through their minds when they do...

Landonn and Hale are probably wishing that they were outside...

Miss Sophie loves this hat and she looks oh so stunning in it...Sophie is our cousin..

Here is Kellan with one of his greatest grins...He is so animated...Always a trip to watch...

Here are Gage and Tomy...they are almost exactly one month apart and they play real well right now....

I found Landonn in here this morning....No matter how big they get they still love all their toys...
Well, 'til next itme...hopefully Autni Marla, Bo, Brody and Blade will make it next time....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The mop

So right around my birthday, my hubby and I got in a huge, and I mean huge, marriage altering fight over, are you ready for this, my mop.

Now I know what you are thinking...." really Myah, your mop?!"

Yep, my mop.

Let me help you understand the importance of my mop. It is like the brush to a painter, a hammer to a carpenter, a picnic for an is vital for survival. I am somewhat compulsive about mopping because of the age of my children, the amount of home renovations going on around here and also because I care for other people's children...I think that the routine cleaning of my floors are vital.
(of xcourse these are all vain attempts ast rationalizing my flood of emotions and subsequent over reaction)

So, here is somewhat of how our dialogue went...

Wifey(me): "Ummm, hubby. Did you use my mop to clean up the lead pipe mess?

Hubby(don): "no."

Wifey: "Do you think that I am stupid?"

Hubby(looking at me puzzled): "No."

Wifey(feeling patronized): "Ok, than can you explain the small yet numerous flecks of rust in my mop?"(now I am feeling like I have "caught" him and an apology and admission are quickly to follow)

Hubby(not looking interested): "no."

Wifey: "Well, they look an awful lot like the small yet numerous flecks of rust that were on 3 washcloths that I had to throw away and the small yet numerous flecks of rust that has stained my original porcelain sink!!!"

Hubby: "OK"

At this point my voice had gotten very loud, tears had begun and the stained mop got very dramatically thrown out on the trash pile and I proceeded to very angrily wash my floor on my hands and knees. And of course once the voice volume went up my hubby shut down and my hubby and I did not really speak until after valentine's day. How could he not inderstand?!?!?!?!?

Well, today the mop got the final say and quite a big lesson was learned by me. Because of the fight, my mop handle, which I had forgotten to take off before the dramatic flight into the trash pile, was bent and as I was passing the last few swipes across my kitchen floor, the bent part snapped and the mop handle "bit" my finger and caused quite a wound. I still may go see if stitches are necessary.
So what did I learn? Don't fight over a mop because it may just come back to bite you in the.......finger:)

Update: Marriage fine, hubby not in trash pile and we now each have our own mops :) Please excuse all the spelling and typing errors, the above picture can explain why.