Saturday, November 3, 2007
Some Answers at Last
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Our Willow Tree
I am given strength every day when I am looking at my children and their development is right on schedule, they are both very smart and coordinated....they articulate and eat well....I just don't know what causes these weird seizures....
For those of you who know me really well you all know how much I love the sort of weather that is windy with a little bit of rain, and I mean a strong, gusty wind that takes your breath away at times and the air is heavy and almost cold, not warm but not really cold either...we were having that sort of weather last Saturday....Josie had a really bad seizure in the tub that night and it scared the bejeebers out of me....once I got everyone safely to bed, I went and sat out on our back porch and just stewed over the past year.....I cried a little and was just silent and still a very long time....we have the most beautiful willow tree in our yard and Josie' s swing hangs from one of it's branches and it was amazing to me to see that no matter how strong a gust of wind would be, that swing just swung gently and smoothly, never out of control....I found that willow tree very symbolic of what we do as parents....life goes on all around us and we let the winds of life push us around and take our breath away at times but through it all, we try to not let our kids see the tumult and just let them swing safely, untouched for as long as possible....that willow tree took care of the wind and let that swing stay safe, we had a few branches in our yard the next morning but all we had to do was wipe out a little bit of water out of the seat of the swing and Josie had a great time swinging...I pray that as this storm rages on around my little family, that God will give me the wisdom and guidance to make decisions that will allow my kids to have many more years of happy safe swinging....
Ok, so that was a little deep and I apologize for the wandering thought process but it feels great to let it out....this time is here for a purpose and I hope that we soon find out reasons...
Pray for the right words for me tomorrow, I don't want to get emotional or irrational but so help me if one more doc says "well, let's just give it some time" someone may get the call to come with cash.....hehehehehehe....
Luv to all...
Oh yeah....we have temporarily disconnected our house phone and internet so my updates will be sporadic....
Luv my
Monday, June 25, 2007
Payson Park
Jenn and Josie headed down the slide
Pensive Kell....
Looks like Kell's got a secret!!!!
Hale was pretty mellow that day....it seemed like his ride on the swing was going to put him to sleep!!!!
Josie and Kellan thinking the wood chips were the greatest thing.....
Landonn climbing high!!!! I think little boys could throw rocks in the water all day!!!!
"til next time.....
Update On Josie
I will say.....she is either getting used to them or they are getting less severe because the two times she passed out on Monday there was no stiffening or seizure like activity....she simply passed out and then Boom, she was right back, no lapse in breathing or anything....then on Thursday, the child was very uncomfortable with a bad cold and fluid behind her ears and she screamed for about 30 minutes and didn't pass out once....
She's a mystery to say the least and we hopefully are out of the worst of it...Thank you all for your concern and prayers......
Home Sweet Home
Our back porch...
This looks like a garage but it is my hubby's workshop....He is lovin' it.....
My favorite corner in my kitchen and my favorite yard sale purchase to date....the little black desk that I got for $5....one person's trash....
Our front hallway....nice and big....
Our living room....it didn't take long for the deer heads to go up....
This is a pic from my back porch today....if you look closely, you can see the creek (The Crick) that runs behind our house....I LOVE weeping willow trees and there is a big beautiful on in our yard....
Daddy and Josie take a walk almost every night after her bath....they check out the yard and have a chat about their days....very sweet
Landonn and his train whistle calling to the train....
This is an extended arm pic that I took of Landonn, Jaeda and I on our back porch.....what a bunch of Goobers!!!!
This pic was taken one evening after they took their stroll....I love it~~ More pics to come to catch up on the busy and little life around the new Tabbutt home....All are welcome from far and wide....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Among the Missing
Luv you all......My
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Josephine Kelly
Things were going pretty well until two weeks ago. I was getting her bath water ready and she wanted me to get her out of her walker and I apparently didn't do that quickly enough because she started to cry hard and before I could get to her (time span of about 7 seconds) she had passed out. When I get to her she is as stiff as a board and not breathing. Once she takes that first breath (usually takes her 30 seconds to a minute) she is a limp noodle and has a very hard time staying awake and her eyes roll back into her head and she sort of startles herself to breathe. Now the first episode lasted about 3.5 hours. Well, over the past two weeks she has had these episodes 3 times. She bounces back a lot more quickly now (is back to herself in about 15-20 minutes) but nonetheless, these episodes are odd.
At first the doctor thought they were spells of her holding her breath but since it only takes her about 10 seconds of crying before she passes out he thinks there is another explanation, we just don't know what it is. I can tell now when it will happen because her cry is very distinct but we have yet to find the variable that causes this.
I struggle so badly with wanting to block everything else out and not letting her out of the house or my sight. I want to know why this is happening and I'd really like to know right now but God has put this in our life for a reason and I need to learn from this. I also want to know the right questions to ask. I am more calm now when the episodes happen so there are a few things her doc would like me to look for and also for me to try to video the next one so they can see what I am trying to explain. Please pray for wisdom, peace and patience as we talk to doctors.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Pollywogs and Tickle Monsters
Oh, wait......Landonn has to take this call!
On our pollywog adventure we ended up walking further into the woods...Hale was quite sure that he heard a monster in the woods....we had to be quiet because the tickle monster had gone fishing in the morning and he was tired now and taking a nap....
As you can see.....they were all terribly afraid of the monster.....
So, then the monster woke up and was going to come out and tickle Teddy so these three were going to protect him and here are their weapons of choice.....
There is Teddy safe in the background after the kids scared off the tickle monster....Kell hung out and pulled Aunti's hair the whole time....
Whoa.....Hale....something not taste right????
Oh no.....everything's fine.....
We had a great little adventure and now we have a bucket full of tadpole eggs and marsh water to keep our eye on :) Gotta love the little things!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Just the 5 of Us
Weekend At Aunti Twy and Uncle Clyde's
Landonn and Bo had a little too much fun in the tub.....There was certainly more water on the floor than in the tub.....
Uncle Clyde sharing his supper....Clyde didn't sit alone much of the weekend....there always seemed to be a kid or two or three that wanted to sit with him.....
Close inspection of animal crackers....
The five of us together.....Twy, Marla, Kelly, Myah and Hallie....such fun times.....
Landonn, again without any shorts.....thought his Dad's rubber boots looked like the perfect fit....almost!!! Just a few more feet to go Landonn....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Update on Mom
Please just continue to pray for our wisdom and understanding....
Thanks.....The Kids
Friday, April 6, 2007
Dallas vs Diabetes
Pls pray for us as a family that we have the sensitivity yet boldness to get Mom to listen to the doctors and pray for our wisdom that we can make the right decisions for her. Those of you who know Mom will understand when I ask to also pray that Mom will remain open to the route of treatment that includes medicine...Her willingness has left us hopeful but we know how quickly she can change her mind....
This pic was taken Monday night....