Monday, June 25, 2007

Update On Josie

So two Thursdays ago Josie had another EEG. That was fun....try getting 27 electrode leads onto a very active 10 month old's head, and then the kicker, keeping them on for 30-40 minutes of reading....not my idea of fun but necessary nonetheless.....I got the results and everything looks normal....even though the very next Monday she passed out twice...they would like her to sleep and be still during the test and she was not by any means quiet so they may send us to Portland for a 24-48 hour period to do further monitoring...

I will say.....she is either getting used to them or they are getting less severe because the two times she passed out on Monday there was no stiffening or seizure like activity....she simply passed out and then Boom, she was right back, no lapse in breathing or anything....then on Thursday, the child was very uncomfortable with a bad cold and fluid behind her ears and she screamed for about 30 minutes and didn't pass out once....

She's a mystery to say the least and we hopefully are out of the worst of it...Thank you all for your concern and prayers......


my 3 big Bs said...

Josie sure is a handful---That pic of her is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'd like a copy, let me know when she goes back to Portland---give her and Landonn kisses for me--love you guys

my 3 big Bs said...

Hi Aunt Myah! This is Jordan! Just wanted you to know that I love to look at your pictures and read your postings! Man, Josie looks so much like her Daddy! hehe

I miss you so much! I can't wait to see you again! Tell Don that I said HELLO and that I miss him too and give the kids a HUGE KISS from me!

Love you and miss you!