This was taken right after she got her first taste and decided she really liked it.....She has a sweet tooth as bad as her Daddy's....
Monday, March 26, 2007
Poses of Josie
This was taken right after she got her first taste and decided she really liked it.....She has a sweet tooth as bad as her Daddy's....
Some of the regular Days
And then Bo came over and said he wanted to help auntie clean out the fridge because Aunti Hal and Twy were coming and the fridge was dirty...He did a great job as well....I just hope we can keep this up for their future wives
Steph and I gave Blade a bath and he just looked so cute in the hooded towel....Doesn't he????
Kell showing off his big new top teeth....what a cutie!!!
Faith, forever the entertainer....decided to read to everyone....or at least anyone who would listen....actually, she didn't care who listened, she read anyway....
Landonn and Steph hung out together for a while....We miss her and Faith so much....I so wish they could live closer.....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Goin' to Gemmy's
Friday, March 16, 2007
Up Home
Here Faith was informing us that her name was Cinderella and that she had princess hair...Ummmmm..I don't remember Cinderella without her skirt?? You?? In fact, I don't believe that is even Cinderella's shirt?!? I think we should be looking for the Seven Dwarfs? She has such an imagination and it is soooooo much fun to watch her.
Hale and Jenn were reading to the boys one night and it got very animated.
Like I said....we had a wonderful trip up home and we are sooooo happy to have Steph and Faith here with us this week.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Streak Lightening
Right after this picture he realized mumma had the camera and he.....
thought he should take it down to his room....
Josie thought it was all quite funny!!!
I just thought this was a wicked cute picture of Jaeda.
Hope everyone enjoys these....If anyone else every wants to post thier own pics just let me know and I'll tell you how to log in and upload your pics..
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Latest Happenings
Earlier on Saturday Hale and Little Hale came over and we rode around the field on Donn's sled. That machine is running so well and we have done nothing to it. We are sorry to see the snow go now. We've been having a lot of fun.
Faith vs. Spaghettios
Friday, March 9, 2007
Marla and Blade Edward
He saves his biggest grins for his mumma!
Hope you all enjoy the pics of our latest addition...Now, who's next?? You know we can't go to to long without a new batch of babies!!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Maine Children's Museum
Hale gassin' up the race car!!!
Possibly the cutest picture of Kellan ever taken!!
Aunti Hal and Kellan!!! We were sooo appreciative that Aunti Hallie braved the February vacation crowd and helped out. I don't know if it would have been as much fun without her. Thanks Aunti....We love you!
Landonn was reliving the glory days of summer that we spent out at Aunti Kelly's farm.
Of course Mr. Fixit wanted to see how the engine worked.
Jaeda's Mom, Sarah, met us there and she and Jaeda had a great time... We were also glad that she was there for another set of hands.
We had a great time and hopefully the next time we go Aunti Marla won't end up at the eye doctor's with a pretty serious eye infection. She is much better now....