Friday, March 16, 2007

Up Home

About three and a half weeks ago, Hale, Jenn, myself and our kids went up north to visit Steph and Faith and to stock the wood piles on her porch. We had a wonderful visit and here are just a few pics...

Here Faith was informing us that her name was Cinderella and that she had princess hair...Ummmmm..I don't remember Cinderella without her skirt?? You?? In fact, I don't believe that is even Cinderella's shirt?!? I think we should be looking for the Seven Dwarfs? She has such an imagination and it is soooooo much fun to watch her.

Hale and Jenn were reading to the boys one night and it got very animated.

Like I said....we had a wonderful trip up home and we are sooooo happy to have Steph and Faith here with us this week.

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