Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Daddy and the Kids!!!

Josie is still a bonafide Mumma's girl but she sure does love her Daddy...

What a cute little family!!! I love them so much!!

Okay, so you have to love Maine weather....This picture was taken on Saturday, beautiful warm, sunny day....Josie and I went for a four wheeler ride, Landonn took Jaeda for a spin around the yard, picked up toys, raked.....just did some great spring chores.....

Hello Tuesday, Hello snow.....This is what we woke up to yesterday and we are supposed to get quite an accumulation of snow tonight....I just bought my sandals....Bummer.....We are soooooo ready for some good weather and to get these kids outside....

Oh yeah, I make them go out in the snow :)

1 comment:

the johnson crew said...

i have never seen a picture of your husband! you guys are a beautiful family!