Monday, June 25, 2007

Payson Park

We are very fortunate to have this great little park nearby called Payson has a great playset area, it's right beside a small river and it has a really cool bridge....The kids love it and until the bugs are too bad we are enjoying time there....

Jenn and Josie headed down the slide

Pensive Kell....

Looks like Kell's got a secret!!!!

Hale was pretty mellow that seemed like his ride on the swing was going to put him to sleep!!!!

Josie and Kellan thinking the wood chips were the greatest thing.....

Landonn climbing high!!!!
I think little boys could throw rocks in the water all day!!!!

"til next time.....

Update On Josie

So two Thursdays ago Josie had another EEG. That was fun....try getting 27 electrode leads onto a very active 10 month old's head, and then the kicker, keeping them on for 30-40 minutes of reading....not my idea of fun but necessary nonetheless.....I got the results and everything looks normal....even though the very next Monday she passed out twice...they would like her to sleep and be still during the test and she was not by any means quiet so they may send us to Portland for a 24-48 hour period to do further monitoring...

I will say.....she is either getting used to them or they are getting less severe because the two times she passed out on Monday there was no stiffening or seizure like activity....she simply passed out and then Boom, she was right back, no lapse in breathing or anything....then on Thursday, the child was very uncomfortable with a bad cold and fluid behind her ears and she screamed for about 30 minutes and didn't pass out once....

She's a mystery to say the least and we hopefully are out of the worst of it...Thank you all for your concern and prayers......

Home Sweet Home

So this is our sweet home....I am having soooooo much fun with it....It is old but is so homey and in such great shape that all we have to do is some updating on wiring and then put our own personal touches....

Our back porch...

This looks like a garage but it is my hubby's workshop....He is lovin' it.....

My favorite corner in my kitchen and my favorite yard sale purchase to date....the little black desk that I got for $ person's trash....

Our front hallway....nice and big....

Our living didn't take long for the deer heads to go up....

This is a pic from my back porch today....if you look closely, you can see the creek (The Crick) that runs behind our house....I LOVE weeping willow trees and there is a big beautiful on in our yard....

Daddy and Josie take a walk almost every night after her bath....they check out the yard and have a chat about their days....very sweet

Landonn and his train whistle calling to the train....

This is an extended arm pic that I took of Landonn, Jaeda and I on our back porch.....what a bunch of Goobers!!!!

This pic was taken one evening after they took their stroll....I love it~~
More pics to come to catch up on the busy and little life around the new Tabbutt home....All are welcome from far and wide....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Among the Missing

Hi there, I have not dropped off the face of the earth...worse.....we moved.....just 6 miles away from our old house but has totally turned my life and schedule upside down....I am updating this at my brother's house because when you move into a house that is 150 years old, the wiring and phone lines are not equipped for computer and fact....if I run the microwave I need to be sure that nothing else is plugged in in the kitchen or I will blow a fuse!!!! I love it!!! I'm actually not complaining because this is our first house and it is all very exciting....I have some pics of our adorable little home but of course, I got the kids, diaper bags, sippy cups, and myself out of the house, but I forgot my camera....Anyway....just wanted to touch base....I have really missed keeping in touch and will hopefully have everything hooked up by the middle of July!!!

Luv you all......My