Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun around Myah's....a little messed up and confusing but hey....what can I say....that's me

Marla Parla and I ....

Blade Edward
Gracie Belle
Gage and his boogers......they are good friends Michelle....gracie's mom....and I were talking one day and i was reminiscing about two turtles my old roommate Beq and I had gotten in China Town....I did love those turtles and miss them and I said that to Michelle....well, the next day, she was on her way here and found "Cappy" crossing the road and brought him home for me.....well, needless to say, I don't have pond water readily accessible for his survival so he had to go back but I love that she thought of me and my love for turtles.....

Josie not quite sure what to think......
"Cappy" safe place to ride.....remember....don't hold a turtle until you know if they are snapping turtle or not.....
Since Cappy wouldn't get into the bucket.....Josie tried it out for size....
Landonn didn't want to get too close....
Hunter....takin' it all in.....

Gracie and her mumma.....

Michelle and her new, never to be forgotten, one and only pet turtle....for two hours......

Lesson learned....wait....lessons......turtles are still adorable, friends surprise you every day.....and, glenn, you just wait until she can get her hands on a duck.....

Blade and his googles....I love love love this picture of him.....

So, playdate= a couch full of kids and a shot of Marla's boobies.....
Not everyone got a bath but these too sure got clean....


the johnson crew said...

adorable pictures myah. your kids are so cute. i miss you!

MainelyKids said...

Thanks Nellie....our house is a little crazy this summer but I know you sure understand....