Saturday, November 22, 2008

So as I sit in my living room and I see snow flying outside my window, I realize it has been a really long time since I put new pics up here. Where does the time go??? I can't believe I see snow....I thought I was ready, but I'm not. Of course I may be saying that because I have been shut up in this house for three days with two sick kids, now they are sick of each other....I hope they get better soon or I may join the ranks of the sick.....

Our big kill of the season.....

These next few pics were from our last day of warm weather.....

Our two resident princesses.....

I looked outside and the kids had lined up these chairs and they were playing "Blast Off!!"

Jenn, Marla and I took the kids to a farm in Rockport for a hay ride and some pumpkins....I love this pic of Marla and her boys...

Landonn and Daddy went duck hunting a couple Saturdays....Landonn is getting pretty good at driving the boat.....what a big boy.....

Mumma and her Batman.....

Sweet as Honey!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pumpkin Time!!!

Our neighbors got some extra pumpkins in their garden so they let the kids come over tonight and pick out their own pumpkins.....the kids were very excited...

Landonn chose this one....

This is the one that Josie chose.....

The kids thought they would carry them home themselves....

I guess we needed some help....

Washing them off.....

The funny part is when Joe and Linda planted these seeds in the spring they were advertised as cantaloupes.....oooooops!!!!

Thank you Joe and Linda.....

Bowen's first soccer game

Today Bo had his first soccer game....he was very excited and did very well....he was very involved in the game and showed great energy and did not give up until the end....I don't think a score was kept per say, since they are kindergartners but he felt like he won.....

Proud Mumma with her boy......

Bo throwing the ball in to play....Marla had him wear the red hat so we knew which one he was...great idea....

He threw the ball in and ran right to the goal to wait for the never quite made it down that far but boy oh boy Bo was ready.....

Big man walking off the field....

Bowen's support/cheering section....we were glad we made it.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fist Day No way

So today was Landonn and Pip's first day at Creative Christian Nursery School....this was a hard day for the mummas....

When I look at my son.....this is what I see.....

Here is (is it "here is" or "here are?" any help from you english people would be greatly appreciated) Jenn and I as we were leaving our boys....we did get over it quite quickly but Kellan and the kids at my house did not understand where Landonn and Pippy were....

When I went to get Landonn he and the teacher were very involved in a conversation/argument about whether or not Landonn would come back....he didn't seem to think he needed another day of school....I think I made such a big deal about the first day that I forgot to tell him there were many more to follow....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Not for the faint of Heart

All I think we can all agree that there are some days that are better than others....this is not one of the better days....

Mikey had had a dry diaper and in like a half an hour he had wet through the diaper, his shorts, a doubled up blanket through to a feather pillow onto my couch....not a big deal....I've dealt with this before, within 10 minutes Mikey was changed laundry started and couch cleaned....

Once peace and order had been restored I went into the playroom to pick up while everyone was sleeping and I smelled a horrible poopy smell....everyone was sleeping so where on earth was the smell coming from....I came upstairs only to sense the smell was getting progressively worse the farther up the stairs I's why....Gage Paul had pooped, then wriggled out of his diaper and had proceeded to play with/eat his poop and smear it all over himself and the playpen.....NICE!!!! the smell was so bad that it woke Landonn up who then woke Hunter up by saying "Hunter get up....I smell gage!!!" I smelled it downstairs in the playroom because the horrific smell had wafted down the register.....

I tell ya is a day that I question whether the decision to be a stay at home mom was the best one!?!?!?!?

I must go shower.....Bye

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

15 mintues and three years ago

Three years ago, at 4:45, my brother passed away. On the one year anniversary my sisters and I were able to be together. I wish we were all together today. I find comfort in knowing where everyone is and I wish I could see them. (I also wish my two and four year old kids would stop fighting ie Josie stop screaming) my daughter with the bright red hair that Donn will never get to meet. He didn't meet the last three babies brought into this family and just know that he would have loved them all but I know special comments would be saved for Josie and her red hair. Well I seriously need to go see what my son is doing to his sister to make her sooooooo upset. Inevitably it involves her very special pair of opurple fancy flip flops....thank you aunti sha sha....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Donn David

I am sitting at my sister twyla's house. I was supposed to be in PA at a wedding (congrats to Christopher and Beq...I love you very very much) I have been bummed about not getting to the wedding but on the flip side, since I am not in PA I get to attend our family party for three very special graduates. Jordan Twyla, Cerise Hallie and Luke Lyle......all of them safely made it through their highschool years and we get to celebrate together as a family. Well I can't help but let my mind wander to Donn David. He was so adamant about family getting together. He loved it and was usually the last one to leave and he had the farthest to drive. He never wanted these times to end. I wonder if for some reason it was in his genetic buildup that knowledge to stay with family as long as you can for it will never be the same again. I am looking at a picture of him getting his beard trimmed by my sister Kelly. It's a sweet picture but one that makes me cry. He went through so much to try to live and he died. Swelling, pain, conciousness, sight, smell, touch. If he was not going to be able smell the sweet breath of his daughter or the smell of wife than why are we able to experience these things in the first place.

I wonder if this is my vain attempt at minimizing the regret I feel for how little I was able to help Donn through this. For four years, actually for over 20 years we took care of my father but the last 4 years were 24 hour care and I never once struggled. I considered it an honor to lay him to bed at night knowing he was cared for. I felt like every time I put fresh socks on him or a new shirt, somehow Daddy knew he was still loved, we still wanted him to look good and that he was so very important to us. I took such great pride in being his daughter and being part of this family who could come together and care for him.

I couldn't do this for Donn. If I saw someone helping him up or washing his face, I turned away. I didn't want to face the fact that he needed my help. I'm angry!!! I want him here, I want his strength back and his beauty back here on earth. It being gone has left such an unfillable space in our family.

Somebody once said to my sister Kelly, "And to think, if he was given the chance to come back now that he has seen heaven, he wouldn't come." This statement brings me an insane amount of comfort. It is my selfishness that wants him back. My own sense of sorrow warps my way of thinking into believing that him here is best. Here is not best. Heaven is best for him. I just can't wait to see that handsome freckled face of his again. Heaven is will be the best for both of us some day.

So I have totally rambled. Donn David has been on my mind a lot lately, probably because of the perfectly cloudless days we have been having. I'm gonna stop rambling now and just say that I love my family here and in heaven and I know I will continue to struggle with sorrow but my faith, my family and my friends are always here for me and I love you all.......

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fryeburg Academy....Class "B" State Champs....

My neice Cerise (Reesee Cup) plays for the Fryeburg academy softball team and they won the Class "B" State Championship yesterday....this is her senior year and what a great way to end her highschool.....Yeahhhhh for them.....

Fun around Myah's....a little messed up and confusing but hey....what can I say....that's me

Marla Parla and I ....

Blade Edward
Gracie Belle
Gage and his boogers......they are good friends Michelle....gracie's mom....and I were talking one day and i was reminiscing about two turtles my old roommate Beq and I had gotten in China Town....I did love those turtles and miss them and I said that to Michelle....well, the next day, she was on her way here and found "Cappy" crossing the road and brought him home for me.....well, needless to say, I don't have pond water readily accessible for his survival so he had to go back but I love that she thought of me and my love for turtles.....

Josie not quite sure what to think......
"Cappy" safe place to ride.....remember....don't hold a turtle until you know if they are snapping turtle or not.....
Since Cappy wouldn't get into the bucket.....Josie tried it out for size....
Landonn didn't want to get too close....
Hunter....takin' it all in.....

Gracie and her mumma.....

Michelle and her new, never to be forgotten, one and only pet turtle....for two hours......

Lesson learned....wait....lessons......turtles are still adorable, friends surprise you every day.....and, glenn, you just wait until she can get her hands on a duck.....

Blade and his googles....I love love love this picture of him.....

So, playdate= a couch full of kids and a shot of Marla's boobies.....
Not everyone got a bath but these too sure got clean....